M-72 A1 - OFFWORLD MODELS ::: The Art Of Mark Nohrnberg

M-72 A1

This is the M-72 A1 mobile emplacement , or M E. These machines are used in many ways like the helicopters they replaced. This particular version is equipped for  anti aircraft and early warning duty, and is assigned to the Marines. Working in a flight of 4, M E's fly out  and protect both surface or space fleets by enter connecting their sensor sweeps. M E's can  be used as a tank, or stationary pillbox to hold a position.

M E's come in many versions some are large and used as transports but most are like this version, the main variations being sensors or weaponry. The crew size can vary but most have three crewmen consisting of gunner, commander, and pilot. All of the crew can fly as well as perform the other crew jobs from their stations. In the early days of deployment there were many jabs at the new strange machines and their crews; one name stuck, from then on the men and women flying M E's are known as "Egg Men" and the job is"Flying the Egg".

This model started as a potpourri canister from the art store. My intent was to make a space capsule but that changed. The crew is enjoying some down time with a little fishing.

I started with the interior decks and walls then the seats and other details. There are hatches between decks.

The outer details are from kits and other things. Many of the parts are cast resin. The back panel still comes off. I was going to instal lights but I never did.

My next step was the turrets. I wanted to have the crew in the turrets at first, but there isn't enough room so I lowered the second deck and put the crew stations there. The turret parts are made from plastic and brass. I had to scratch build the guns to give them a unique look.

I wanted to show flight in a different way so I suspended the egg over water and made a quiet spot below the egg to give an illusion of the force from the gravity reduction  motor.

The pilot is on the first deck with the small galley. The second deck has the other two crew. The third deck has the weapon bay and electronic gear.

Fish eye view. The domes are the various sensor devices.