Light walking tank - OFFWORLD MODELS ::: The Art Of Mark Nohrnberg

Light walking tank

This model started as a blob of Sculpey 3 (Sculpey is a polymer clay that has to be baked to harden it). It was a test of Sculpey and grew into its own model. I had sculpted figures with polymer clay but never a machine. The shape just came from rolling the clay. I didn't have a plan, so the first version had wheels then it got some legs, etc.

The legs are sheet styrene with kit parts as details. The shoulders are Sculpey with metal wire.

The Sculpey is weak so the body is full of metal wire for strength. The driver is made of 1/35 scale tank   crewman parts with epoxy putty details, polymer clay can't be used on plastic figures they can't handle the heat of baking.

The fur on the front of the legs is a wire cutter so it won't trip.